How to Set Up The LED Cross Screen?

LED Cross software operation manual(based on C-Power)

A. run and set up the software the software

1.1.1 Setup LED cross screen (define LED screen)

B.C-Power parameters setting

1. enter the interface of LED-tool parameters setting

2. Led cross wiring

C.edit and manage program

1. learn about the interface of the software

2. create and edit programs and set up the software

1.Run the software

Run “Start” – “All programs” – “Led Cross V1.01” – “Led Cross V1.01”; or double-click “Led Cross ” shortcut icon on the desktop directly.

The interface of LedCross only supports English for now.


“Setup signs”(define LED screen)

(searching controllers; setting screen parameters)


The software setting is to perform “Define LED screen”.

Purpose: when the software is run for the first time, the LED screen definition is the first step, which aims to establish the program and set the communication mode. After that, the LedCross software is combined with the LED screen hardware through the program.

Methods and steps:

  • Click“setup signs”or“File” –“setup signs”enter“LED Screen”(define LED screen),as shown in figure 2.


  • In the LED screen list dialog box (Figure3), click “New”button to establish a new screen or click “Edit” to change the screen parameters.Or you can also delete the screen you have defined by clicking “delete”.


  • If the controller has connected into the computer(COM port or network port), click “Find screen”button(or click “Tools”-“Find device” on the menu), the “search device” dialog box pops up, so we can search the devices which have connected into the shown as figure 4,figure 5,figure 6.


  • After clicking “New”or “Edit” button, enter the password in the authority confirmation box, and the box of “Screen editor” pops up, as shown in Figure 7 and Figure
  • In the dialog box of “Screen editor”, define LED screen according to the hardware setting condition of the screen controller.
    1. Model: select the correct controller type at the left side of the dialog box.
    2. Name: user can name the LED screen freely. The name will appear at the edit field. If no name input, the system will automatically display the type of controller (ID).
    3. ID: it is used to distinguish two or more LED screens. If there is only one screen, use the default value “1”.
    4. Color: select the color of the LED screen: Full color.
    5. Width and Height: actual pixels of the LED screen. for now Ledcross supports 24×24,48×48,64×64,72×72,96×96 size.
    6. Font library: click  button can set the font library type, if the controller has connected well, the font libraries which have installed on the controller can be auto detected.
    7. Communication type: select COM port mode, network mode, or GPRS/CDMA mode.
  • COM port mode: RS232 or RS485 mode

It needs to set the original port of PC COM port communication, and then Baud rate.


Initial password is “16888”, please  change the password timely and remember the new one.

For port number of PC COM port, it can also be modified through Menu Bar “Tools” – “COM port setting” after defining LED screen. User needn’t enter “Setup signs ” again.

The baud rate of the control card can be changed by LedTool, see engineer’s manual.


  • Network mode

There are the following setting items after connecting the network port with the control panel.

  1. IP address: the IP address of the control panel

Local area network: if it is local area network or the control panel is connected by net twines, user can directly input IP address of the control panel (set IP address by using LedTool).

Internet: if the control panel is connected by internet, user should input IP address of the internet gateway.

  1. ID code: the IP package ID code of the control panel (such as password).

ID code should be the same as the control panel setting, so that it can be recognized and controlled by the control panel.

  1. Port: network port.the default port number is 5200.

The network parameters of the control card “IP address, ID code, Port” can be changed by LedTool, see engineer’s manual.


If there has been controllers connected to the local area network,click to search the controllers ,Then click “refresh” button to refresh the information of the controller you want to Connect to the computer ,and then click “OK” to confirm which you choose.As shown in figure 9,figure 10.



Click “ID” or “ID” can switch the controllers’ information of device ID and IP address which have been connected to the shown in figure 11,figure12.



When finishing the definition of screen editor, choose the map file to configure ledcross sign, follow this method:

Back to“setup signs”main interface,choose the controller you are using ,click“config” button, type the password“26888” in the pop-up page,then get into the configuration page。Shown in figure13 and 14。


In the configuration page, choose the map configure file according to the way you wiring, the module size, and the quantity of OUT interfaces screen using,(if you don’t know how to wiring, you can wiring the screen according to the map file ).for instance, the screen size is 96*96 pixels, the module size is 16*16 pixels, and use one OUT interface in the front, select”96×96 16×16P” file, then click ”set to sign” button to finish the configuration until it tips ”successful”. Shown in figure 15 and 16.


Once the “setup signs”has been done,LedCross will create a program you can edit and manage the program.


B.C-Power parameters setting

Led Cross supports all the controllers made by lumenchina,we will take C-Power2&3 series as an example to show you  how to set up the parameters.

1.Enter the Ledtool

Click“Tools”—“Ledtool”—“C-Power20/30” then into the interface of parameters setting,as shown below:

Outdoor led cross

led cross green

2. parameters setting

The parameters setting of LED Cross can refer to the LED centerM software manual, we don’t illustrate this here .

C.edit and manage programs

1.learn about the interface of software

The interface is as follows when running the software.the interface consists of several parts.

pharmcy led cross screen

You can send the contents by Led cross such as video,image,animation,doc/excel documents,text,clock temperature and humidity data .


2. Create and edit the programs

Led Cross has 4 layout windows to select,we will take layout 1 and layout 2 as examples to show you how to edit the contents.

2.1.Edit the contents of layout 1:

pharmacy led screen

Click“send to current”in the pop-up window,then the programs will display in pharmacy led cross screen.

2.2 Edit the contents of layout 2:

pharmacy cross led screen

2.3.Then edit Windows[2] and Windows[3] in the same way.


Click  ” Play”  to preview the programs after you finish editing adjust the parameters and then click to send programs data to LED cross screen.


here is the same way to edit layout 3 and layout 4.


If you want to save the programs,click”save as”

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